Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I have mentioned before that I love this place. The atmosphere is fantastic, the staff everywhere love being there and will do what they can to make you comfortable AND the movies are awesome.
The Summer screenings (unfortunately now over) took place in the courtyard, all the deckchairs are lined up and you are welcomed into a casual outdoor atmosphere with a big screen in front of you.

Get there early enough and you can get one of the comfy deckchairs near the front.

We usually got there at about 7:30 and would have a drink from the bar and sit and chat as we watched it get slowly darker, watching the people roll in and getting comfortable. When it rained for Indiana Jones, we were taken into the theatre which is the nicest theatre I have ever seen and were given 2 for one passes on account of the rain. This was much more than needed to be done but much appreciated all the same. Beetlejuice was the next one I saw, which was an experience in that, I havent seen the movie since I was a child and cant remember it being that creepy, but seeing the bats flying overhead from Lake Burley Griffin and watching the film gave it an atmosphere that could never be achieved in other places. The last one we saw was a screening compliments of the American Embassy of Viva Las Vegas, which was evidence that the king still lives and proof he couldnt act but it was the most fun I had had in a long time. But if you get a chance next year and you enjoy the themes, go and check out the courtyard sessions. Be aware though, you will need to buy your tickets in advance from the Arc because they do sell out.

Before I forget, I walked into the Arc a while back to buy tickets and I saw a black and white film screening in the theatrette, I asked if I could go and see and it was ads and television reels from australian television from the 1930's till the 1960's. I sat there for a whole hour laughing at the sexist jokes that ran throughout but it was an entertaining, educational and fun thing I found by accident.

What will you find?


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