Friday, February 18, 2011

Dendy Cinemas Premium Lounge

I love to go watch movies and Dendy supplies some of the best films that you wont get anywhere else, the only problem they have there is the staff - or lack thereof.
There are so few people working there that they seem to constantly be distracted, rushed and you can tell that their attitude towards you is false because of it. I went to the Premium Lounge the other night and the entire place was a mess, it looked like all the shelves had been pulled out and left on the benches, and even though I could tell there were more staff than the two girls on the tills, we didnt get greeted at the door or even approached until we waited in the queue to order food. While these two girls did everything they could to make us feel comfortable - like I said before, they seemed to rushed and distracted to make us feel that welcome. In the end, the movie started late AND it ended up being that the cinema wasnt even sold out. I cant imagine what that experience would have been like if it had.
In the end, regarding food, service and value for money
the Premium Lounge is definetely not worth it.
6221 8900


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